Thrive Church Values

Intentional Multiplication

Equipping disciples to make disciples, equipping churches to plant churches, a vision of continual sending or being sent.

Life-giving Relationships

Creating a culture where we are authentic and real, infusing health into our community. healed people heal people.

Redeeming Word

Learning about God through The Bible. It is alive and fully relevant to our lives today.

Prayerful Dependence

Leaning not on our own power and abilities, but seeking God continuously in His plan for our lives.

Contagious Generosity

Being a people who give relentlessly, from a heart so full it can’t help but overflow to others.

Radical Service

Being the hands and feet of Christ in our marriages, families, workplaces, church, schools, and greater communities.

Engaging Worship

We want to bring glory to God and thank Him in every aspect of our lives.

Focused Simplicity

Living out a simple church model, where our people are free to be out in the community, instead of busy doing “church stuff”.