
“Peter replied, ‘Repent and be baptized, every one of you, in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins. And you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit’.” Acts 2:38

Baptism is an outward expression of an inward transformation.

It is the celebration of the fact that you have made the decision to be a fully devoted disciple (student and follower) of Jesus Christ, making Him Lord of your life. During baptism, you declare personally and publicly to a commitment of an ongoing personal relationship with God, by Jesus Christ, through His Holy Spirit.

Why be baptized? 

Jesus says believed and be baptized! So let’s do it! Matthew 3:13-17, 28:19-20 

It is symbolic of the change already having taken place in your heart and mind. It is the celebration of the salvation (LINK to Salvation on the word possible?) you have already received from believing in Jesus, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 6:3-4

Baptism is the first step of putting your faith into action:

Enter the water: Entering into your relationship with Jesus Christ.

Water: The cleansing agent represents being cleansed and wash free from our sin, and our sinful nature/brokenness.

Being dunked under the water: Death to our old self, we died as Jesus died.

Raised out of the water: Resurrection to new life, Jesus rose from the grave, defeating death. We are raised to life through his work on the cross.

Leave the tub/river of water: Entering into a new life with Christ. You are being sent now, to fulfil the Great Commandment (Matthew 28:16-20) to go and make more disciples.  

Common questions and misunderstandings:   

  1. I have to be a “mature” Christian to be baptized…or at least more mature than I am right now. False.
    God wants to begin a relationship with you right where you are at. You don’t go to an Emergency Room once you’re done being sick- you go because you are sick.


  2. I have to know more of the Bible before I can get baptized. False. Baptism isn’t a declaration of how much knowledge you have, it is a declaration of a relationship. Now, you can dive into God’s Word, and continue to grow with Him one day at a time.


  3. I need to wait until my spouse or family are ready to get baptized with me. False. Some families or married couples do happen to get baptized at the same time. Baptism, however, is a personal declaration, and Jesus says once you believe to be baptized, and not to wait for any reason. 
  1. I have to be free of my hurts, habits, and hang-ups before I am good enough to be baptized. False. We are made righteous (cleansed and in right standing with God) not because of what we do or don’t do, but because He declares us righteous, because of what Jesus did on the cross- atoning and wiping out our sin.


  2. If I was baptized as a baby or child, I cannot get baptized as an adult. False. We believe that baptism is a ceremony- much like a wedding. If you want to make a public declaration now that you feel you have more awareness of your relationship with Christ- then do it!


  3. If I have been baptized, and then stopped following Jesus or made some really bad choices in my life, and have now stepped back into relationship with Him, I must get baptized again. False. We serve the God of second chances. He knows we are human, and that we will sin and make a mess of things. Return to Him. You don’t need to be baptized again. Every relationship has its ups and downs. He is with you through it all.


  4. If I cannot go under water than I cannot be baptized. False. Water is a symbol for the washing away of the old life, and raising up into your new life. We can sprinkle water on your head, or pour water over your head, without being submerged or getting into the baptismal. It is not the water that saves you, it’s Jesus Christ who saves you.
  5. I am not saved until I have been baptized. False. Salvation comes through your belief and profession of Jesus Christ alone. Period. Baptism is merely a celebration of this. Jesus commandment that we be baptized once we are saved, however, it is not the way to attain salvation. 

If you have questions or feel that being baptized is the next step in your journey with Jesus, please let us know by using the contact form.